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Cyber Security

Cyber Security


 M2M Datasmart and MergerTree becomes your single source for Ransomware prevention and Cyber Security. We can help you program and install the Cisco Meraki hardware firewalls and the VPNs you need for fully encrypted data security and back up your mission critical systems with high-speed LTE CAT 4 cellular data with plans that start at $35 per month and include the first 3GB of cellular data. 


Did you know that most primary IP addresses at your businesses and homes begin with the same string of numbers? Did you know that most payroll thefts come from an innocent looking email asking the unsuspected person simple questions or requesting approvals that sound legitimate? Hackers are not smart people - they are simply criminals. If you make it easy, they will steal from you. For the same reason you lock your front door, take the first step and install a hardware firewall. 


M2M Datasmart and MergerTree can become your IT department - supporting your Microsoft 365 subscriptions and providing the right technology and training to protect against Ransomware empower your staff to succeed. 

Here's how we do it: 

1. Discovery and Evaluation.

2. Plan and Implement

3. Maintain technology through the life cycle.

Let's schedule your free consultation today to minimize the risk of Ransomware and the attendant down-time.